External Links

       I'm so glad I can help you "optimize" your site!  External links are very important to use when you are referring to another person's website, or if you know of a reliable source for more extensive information on a topic you are currently discussing.  For example, if I were discussing money saving techniques, I could refer you to another site that currently has awesome saving ideas by putting a link within my text.  For example:  "Frugal Momma has a few great deals listed on their site at Frugal Momma."

      Also, when creating external links, you may not want the blog reader to completely leave your site;  To help that problem, you can edit the HTML portion of your post to make the link open in a new tab.  Here is an example of that HTML:

<a href="http://easydoesit321.blogspot.com" target ="_blank">Frugal Momma</a>

      Please refer to the "Home" page to see more examples on how to help increase your blog's traffic.